miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

Chose From Large Variety Of Ice Fishing Traps

By Goldie Booker

There is an astonishing varieties of fish still nibbling even after the temperature of the surface water plunges in winter. Many species will certainly slow down to a crawl when the water temperature plummets, but some types keep on going like it hardly affects them. These species that are adapted to northern conditions are more active when warm water species are slowing down. It can be the perfect time to try out ice fishing traps.

Perch are one freshwater variety that will bite even harder and better right after the lake surface freezes. They are competing for the last morsels near the surface and probably feel safer because they are sheltered. People will go after them in many ways, using both rod and reel and steel cages. Different species have different habits and it pays to understand how they behave.

A trap is an excellent strategy for a fish that spends most of its time near the bottom when the lake freezes. Perch will spend some time in the cold and sometimes venture higher to feed. In general there is a concentration of fish near the bottom during winter.

This means that cages can be surprisingly productive during this time of year. Readily available food is less common in winter and fish feel compelled to take the bait. They will wiggle through the tiny entrance just for a morsel. One trap might result in several fish.

There are plenty of different cages to purchase, from steel boxes with mesh walls to ones with steel bars. They come in many sizes and can have one, two, or three entrances. There are many options for the many species and their feeding habits.

ice fishing traps are the solution for anyone who does not want to stand around with a pole and string. It is for anyone who wishes to catch on a semi-industrial scale. Sitting out in the cold is a pain and some people just want the fish.

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