viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

What Basketball Training Equipment Should A Coach Always Have

By Ladonna Franklin

Basketball is a simple game to play, and provides enjoyment to millions of people across the world. Coaching the game can be a bit more tricky though, especially if you do not have the right equipment. Thankfully, putting together an inventory of basic basketball training equipment is not hard, with a little careful consideration.

A whistle should be hanging from a coach's neck or wrist in every training session. A whistle can be used for a whole range of signals, whether to indicate the beginning or end of an activity, or to attract attention when the coach is speaking. Of course, it is also needed to referee practice matches and other situations which may crop up from time to time.

Alongside the whistle, the stopwatch is a piece of kit which every coach should own. The ready availability of timing devices nowadays, with them often fitted into mobile phones as a standard application, means that it is not hard to get hold of such a device. Timing activities accurately is crucial for coaching, whether timing drills or mimicking the pressure applied in a real game by the shot clock.

Another essential part of the coach's armory is a place for players to practice their skills. Sometimes, there is competition for facilities and space at many sports centers and schools, and finding somewhere where players can properly focus is essential. It also helps if the area has a court marked out on it, and, if in countries where weather is temperamental, it is indoors.

If you are compelled to train outdoors, then another useful thing to own is a portable hoop or pair of portable hoops. If these can be dismantled for easier transportation then that is even better. Hoops are so important to so many skills, that this piece of equipment is essential if you do not practice in a venue with fixed basketball rings.

If you are doing your training in a space with no lines marked out on it, then it is also useful to own a stencil of the court's markings. If you do not have one of these to hand, some chalk can often be used for tactical markings on a tarmac and concrete surfaces. Floor markings help to orientate players and to recreate match situations much more accurately.

Owning kit like training bibs in different colors can also make a huge difference to how a coach's sessions run. Not only does having bibs available make it more straightforward to split a large group into different teams, having good kit like this can also have a profoundly positive effect on a team's morale. Players like to feel that they are being looked after properly, and kit such as bibs helps to reinforce this message.

Ensuring that you have the right basketball training equipment as a coach is essential to making sure that your coaching is effective. With much of the gear that is needed relatively easy to obtain, you can soon make your coaching seem much more organized and professional. When coaching players in any sport, by far the most important thing to remember though is that it is fun; if your players are smiling while they work you are probably doing something right.

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